Friday, July 6, 2007

What is God : God's Number and Sex?

We know or at least we are led to believe to know that God exist. So as God exists, so we should know what God is. But do we really know? It is very astonishing that we never know whether God ever married. But first of all we have to know the exact sex of God. And there is one more problem. That is, whether there is or was more than one Gods in the whole universe. And some more pertinent questions and doubts can be raised for getting more enlightenment.

But who will answer to these questions. The preachers are busy and their doors are always kept bolted and shut off so that nobody can disturb their hibernations and their profound mission of attaining salvation. So, let the sleeping lions lie in their dens. We poor souls have got no other choice but to scratch our brains. Our poor souls tend to be diminishing while doing so. So, let it be so.

First thing first. In English God is masculine in gender (that is, sex. But can it not be common or neuter gender?) And singular in number. Okay, that is fine, so far so good. We have seen that God is morphed into plural beings by Gods and that is very common usage in religious and other books. That is to say that there are or were more than one God. In Hindu religion (if Hindu is accepted as a religion as such), there are many Gods and they are not at all shy of accepting many Gods at a time. In many other ancient religions and mythology, there are many Gods than one. They at least save our faces as in any other established religions the existence of many Gods are not accepted and believed although we have seen in many ancient literatures a plethora of Gods ruling the universe (or, is it their particular universes only?).

But barring Hindu religion all later religions discarded the idea of many Gods and all opted for one Super Power, one Supreme Being. So we can safely say that there are not many Gods to reckon with. Or, for arguments' sake we can say that there is only one God. So He/She is singular. Q.E.D. Now we can part with the first part of the problem. Now on to the next part of the problem which is what is/are or are/were the sex of the God/s?

We have seen that on the issue of God being single or multiple, the believers are divided in two camps. According to the belief of single God, God is male in sex and there being single God we can safely say that God never had been married. Then the question arises that the how come he did create man in his own image. There is no answer forthcoming from any quarter. In Hindu religion, Gods married Goddesses and they gave birth to many sons and daughters.

So, we are their inherited offsprings. But we are all not Hindus! Then the whole problem is back to square one. Are we born in His own images? Are we His prototypes? So, we are all Gods! Who says we are homo sapiens?

Let there be light!

1 comment:

eagerblogger said...

According to the Bible, you can never fathom the mysteries of God. You cannot probe the limits of the Almighty.