Human beings have come a long way in course of civilization. The savage people are now garbed in more fashionable guises. Everyday they shed old clothes for a a new one. Yes, they have become civilised. Now they have given up their old habit of roaming from jungle to jungle to gather foods and hunt animals. They are no longer nomadic tribe, they are no longer gathering or hunting people as they have progressed from savage state to modern cosmopolitan conglomerate.
Yes, they have become civilised vis-a-vis the ancient savage people. No doubt that they are civilised in the so-called senses. At least outwardly and physically they are civilised. What is that to it? What is the state of affaiirs of their inner world? Inwardly have they become civilised in its truest senses? Have the overcome the savage mentality of the savage people which was their true inner world. They were just up the ladder without being able to forsake their animality. Animality was ingrained in their physical world and inner world as well.
It is no wonder that the civilised human beings carry the legacy of animality of the animal species as it is said that human beings have been evolved from the animals. And as they are positioned and situated at least one step further in the evolutionary ladder from the animals, the human beings area more animal than the true animals. Who can deny that humans are not animals? So, a man is an animal and an intelligent animal he is!
So, who can say that it is wrong for a man to be animal with his beastly character traits? An animal is by nature is ferocious and violent in its overall behaviours. It is instinctively violent. So is a man but he is violent and ferocious in his conscious nature. Not instinctively but consciously he is violent in his behaviour to his fellow creatures and consciously he engages himself in waging aggression against others especially against the weaker ones. And by inflicting aggressive dominance over others, he wants to be the king lion in the human jungles.
A man is said to be the intelligent animal. What is this intelligence when he cannot keep his instincts at bay to behave himself in more humanly. He even gets educated to behave properly in his social world but despite that so-called education why does he remain an animal as ever? Why does he always remain immersed in seven cardinal sins when he is claimed to be not belonging to the animal or beastly beings? By the yardsticks of his intelligence and education, a man should always give peace a chance, yet his ill-literate civil sense tramples upon the peace and harmony among human beings.
Despite all those high-falutin education, why there is so much division and unrest? Why a civil society is segmented into so many stratas? Why a handful of rich rules the roost over a vast mass of poor people? Where is 'demos' in democracy? So many unhealthy questions just keep on creeping into our intelligent mind when we try to delve deep into conscious mind as regards the the consequences of animality and beastliness in human beings. Only a handful of beast has ravaged the whole world and created such a catastrophe that the human world has become more and more unhabitable. The inevitability is that these bunch of beasts should be wiped off the soil of the world to make it a better human world.
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