Is our life just 'eat, drink, and be merry'? If that is so, does it make any sense so far as the depth and vastness of life are concerned. Our life is more meaningful than anything else and life is anything but just 'eat, drink, and be merry'.
What is life as such? Is it just a biological existence like that of any other living being? An animal only lives with its biological existence. But a human being is more than an animal. His living being is also his intelligent being. That is why a man is a man.
A man is a man because he is a man. But on what count he is a man. He is a man on account of his being an intelligent being. And his intelligent being proves to be meaningful in more way than one. But this intelligent being is not merely his so-called intelligence that places him on top of the animals who are more instinctive than intelligent.
Intelligence covers a wide range of human sensibility like experience, discriminative power of judgment, creative faculty, moral virtuosity along with senses of love, courage, bravery, tolerance, fellow-feeling, equality, perseverance etc. And these values constitute the basics of human life and humanity.
When we come to think of humanity, we transcend the conventional idea of way of living like an animal being whose merry-making in life is confined in just eating and drinking. They just live to survive and surviving is their only way of living. Nothing less and nothing more. There is nothing meaningful in this way of living - no goal to reach, no mission to achieve.
But on our part, it is nothing like that. We have many goals to reach, many missions to achieve. This missionary zeal survives us and drives home the point that we are all, we are not selfish giants. Our life is seamlessly embedded with society, nature and the world. And feeling like being seamlessly embedded this way only, we can think of leading a humane life and we can get to the true meaning of humanity.
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